Article dans une revue scientifique
Sulzenbacher, Gerlind
Roig-Zamboni, Véronique
Lebrun, Régine
Guerardel, Yann
Murat, Dorothée
Mansuelle, Pascal
Yamakawa, Nao
Qian, Xin-Xin
Vincentelli, Renaud
Bourne, Yves
Wu, Long-Fei
Alberto, François
- Glycosylate and move! The glycosyltransferase Maf is involved in bacterial flagella formation, 2018
Medina-Cano, D.
Ucuncu, Ekin
Nguyen, Lam
Nicouleau, Michael
Lipecka, Joanna
Bizot, Jean-Charles
Thiel, Christian
Foulquier, Francois
Lefort, Nathalie
Faivre-Sarrailh, Catherine
Colleaux, Laurence
Guerrera, Ida C
Cantagrel, Vincent
- High N-glycan multiplicity is critical for neuronal adhesion and sensitizes the developing cerebellum to N-glycosylation defect, 2018
Di Menna, Luisa
Joffe, Max E.
Iacovelli, Luisa
Orlando, Rosamaria
Lindsley, Craig W.
Mairesse, Jérôme
Gressèns, Pierre
Cannella, Milena
Caraci, Filippo
Copani, Agata
Bruno, Valeria
Battaglia, Giuseppe
Conn, P. Jeffrey
Nicoletti, Ferdinando
- Functional partnership between mGlu3 and mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors in the central nervous system, 2018
Jijie, Roxana
Barras, Alexandre
Teslaru, Teodora
Topala, Ionut
Pohoata, Valentin
Dobromir, Marius
Dumych, Tetiana
Bouckaert, Julie
Szunerits, Sabine
Dumitrascu, Nicoleta
Boukherroub, Rabah
Dumych, Tetiana
- Aqueous medium-induced micropore formation in plasma polymerized polystyrene: an effective route to inhibit bacteria adhesion, 2018
Nguyen, Duc Hanh
Trivelli, Xavier
Capet, Frederic
Swesi, Youssef
Favre-Réguillon, Alain
Vanoye, Laurent
Dumeignil, Franck
Gauvin, Regis
- Deeper Mechanistic Insight into Ru Pincer-Mediated Acceptorless Dehydrogenative Coupling of Alcohols: Exchanges, Intermediates, and Deactivation Species, 2018
Lappe, Ryan R.
Baier, John W.
Boehlein, Susan K.
Huffman, Ryan
Lin, Qiaohui
Wattebled, Fabrice
Settles, A. Mark
Hannah, L. Curtis
Borisjuk, Ljudmilla
Rolletschek, Hardy
Stewart, Jon D.
Scott, M. Paul
Hennen-Bierwagen, Tracie A.
Myers, Alan M.
- Functions of maize genes encoding pyruvate phosphate dikinase in developing endosperm, 2018
Rujano, Maria A.
Cannata Serio, Magda
Panasyuk, Ganna
Péanne, Romain
Reunert, Janine
Rymen, Daisy
Hauser, Virginie
Park, Julien H.
Freisinger, Peter
Souche, Erika
Guida, Maria Clara
Maier, Esther M.
Wada, Yoshinao
Jäger, Stefanie
Krogan, Nevan J.
Kretz, Oliver
Nobre, Susana
Garcia, Paula
Quelhas, Dulce
Bird, Thomas D.
Raskind, Wendy H.
Schwake, Michael
Duvet, Sandrine
Foulquier, Francois
Matthijs, Gert
Marquardt, Thorsten
Simons, Matias
- Mutations in the X-linked ATP6AP2 cause a glycosylation disorder with autophagic defects, 2017
Jaillet, Cyprien
Morelle, Willy
Slomianny, Marie-Christine
Paget, Vincent
Tarlet, Georges
Buard, Valérie
Selbonne, Sonia
Caffin, Fanny
Rannou, Emilie
Martinez, Pierre
François, Agnès
Foulquier, Francois
Allain, Fabrice
Milliat, Fabien
Guipaud, Olivier
- Radiation-induced changes in the glycome of endothelial cells with functional consequences, 2017
Kupferschmid, Mattis
Aquino-Gil, Moyira Osny
Shams-Eldin, Hosam
Schmidt, Jörg
Yamakawa, Nao
Krzewinski, Frederic
Schwarz, Ralph T.
Lefebvre, Tony
- Identification of O-GlcNAcylated proteins in Plasmodium falciparum, 2017
Olivero, Guendalina
Bonfiglio, Tommaso
Vergassola, Matteo
Usai, Cesare
Riozzi, Barbara
Battaglia, Giuseppe
Nicoletti, Ferdinando
Pittaluga, Anna
- Immuno-pharmacological characterization of group II metabotropic glutamate receptors controlling glutamate exocytosis in mouse cortex and spinal cord: Presynaptic mGlu 2/3 autoreceptor subtypes, 2017
Slaby, Sylvain
Hanotel, Julie
Marchand, Guillaume
Lescuyer, Arlette
Bodart, Jean-Francois
Lepretre, Alain
Lemiere, Sebastien
Marin, Matthieu
- Maturation of Xenopus laevis oocytes under cadmium and lead exposures: Cell biology investigations, 2017
Kondratskyi, Artem
Kondratska, Kateryna
Vanden Abeele, Fabien
Gordienko, Dmitri
Dubois, Charlotte
Toillon, Robert-Alain
Slomianny, Christian
Lemiere, Sébastien
Delcourt, philippe
Dewailly, Etienne
Skryma, Roman
Biot, Christophe
Prevarskaya, Natalia
- Ferroquine, the next generation antimalarial drug, has antitumor activity, 2017
Firmin, François F.
Oger, Frederik
Gheeraert, Celine
Dubois-Chevalier, Julie
Edouart (vercoutter), Anne-Sophie
Alzaid, Fawaz
Mazuy, Claire
Dehondt, Helene
Alexandre, Jérémy
Derudas, Bruno
Dhalluin, Quentin
Ploton, Maheul
Berthier, Alexandre
Woitrain, Eloise
Lefebvre, Tony
Venteclef, Nicolas
Pattou, Francois
Staels, Bart
Eeckhoute, Jerome
Lefebvre, Philippe
- The RBM14/CoAA-interacting, long intergenic non-coding RNA Paral1 regulates adipogenesis and coactivates the nuclear receptor PPARγ, 2017
Bessa, Luiza M.
Launay, Hélène
Dujardin, Marie
Cantrelle, Francois-Xavier
Lippens, Guy
Landrieu, Isabelle
Schneider, Robert
Hanoulle, Xavier
- NMR reveals the intrinsically disordered domain 2 of NS5A protein as an allosteric regulator of the hepatitis C virus RNA polymerase NS5B, 2017
Wong, Sunnie
Gadomski, Therese
van Scherpenzeel, Monique
Honzik, Tomas
Hansikova, Hana
Holmefjord, Katja S. Brocke
Mork, Marit
Bowling, Francis
Sykut-Cegielska, Jolanta
Koch, Dieter
Hertecant, Jozef
Preston, Graeme
Jaeken, Jaak
Peeters, Nicole
Perez, Stefanie
Nguyen, David Do
Crivelly, Kea
Emmerzaal, Tim
Gibson, K. Michael
Raymond, Kimiyo
Abu Bakar, Nurulamin
Foulquier, Francois
Poschet, Gernot
Ackermann, Amanda M.
He, Miao
Lefeber, Dirk J.
Thiel, Christian
Kozicz, Tamas
Morava, Eva
- Oral D-galactose supplementation in PGM1-CDG, 2017
Brodie, Juliet
Ball, Steven
Bouget, François-Yves
Chan, Cheong Xin
De Clerck, Olivier
Cock, J. Mark
Gachon, Claire
Grossman, Arthur R.
Mock, Thomas
Raven, John A.
Saha, Mahasweta
Smith, Alison G.
Vardi, Assaf
Yoon, Hwan Su
Bhattacharya, Debashish
- Biotic interactions as drivers of algal origin and evolution, 2017
Li, Chengnan
Ye, Ran
Bouckaert, Julie
Zurutuza, Amaia
Drider, Djamel
Dumych, Tetiana
Paryzhak, Solomiya
Vovk, Volodymyr
Bilyy, Rostyslav
Melinte, Sorin
Li, Musen
Boukherroub, Rabah
Szunerits, Sabine
- Flexible Nanoholey Patches for Antibiotic-Free Treatments of Skin Infections, 2017
Stevers, Loes M.
Sijbesma, Eline
Botta, Maurizio
MacKintosh, Carol
Obsil, Tomas
Landrieu, Isabelle
Cau, Ylenia
Wilson, Andrew J.
Karawajczyk, Anna
Eickhoff, Jan
Davis, Jeremy
Hann, Michael
O’Mahony, Gavin
Doveston, Richard G.
Brunsveld, Luc
Ottmann, Christian
- Modulators of 14-3-3 Protein–Protein Interactions, 2017
Lens, Zoe
Cantrelle, Francois-Xavier
Peruzzini, Riccardo
Hanoulle, Xavier
Dewitte, Frederique
Ferreira, Elisabeth
baert, jean-luc
Monte, Didier
Aumercier, Marc
Villeret, Vincent
Verger, Alexis
Landrieu, Isabelle
- Solution Structure of the N-Terminal Domain of Mediator Subunit MED26 and Molecular Characterization of Its Interaction with EAF1 and TAF7, 2017
Hassani, Zahra
Saleh, Ali
Turpault, Soumaya
Khiati, Salim
Morelle, Willy
Vignon, Jacques
Hugnot, Jean-Philippe
Uro-Coste, Emmanuelle
Legrand, Philippe
Delaforge, Marcel
Loiseau, Séverine
Clarion, Ludovic
Lecouvey, Marc
Volle, Jean-Noël
Virieux, David
Pirat, Jean-Luc
Duffau, Hugues
Bakalara, Norbert
- Phostine PST3.1a Targets MGAT5 and Inhibits Glioblastoma-Initiating Cell Invasiveness and Proliferation, 2017
Sadovskaya, Irina
Vinogradov, Evgeny
Courtin, Pascal
Armalyte, Julija
Meyrand, Mickael
Giaouris, Efstathios
Palussière, Simon
Furlan, Sylviane
Péchoux, Christine
Ainsworth, Stuart
Mahony, Jennifer
van Sinderen, Douwe
Kulakauskas, Saulius
Guerardel, Yann
Chapot-Chartier, Marie-Pierre
- Another Brick in the Wall: a Rhamnan Polysaccharide Trapped inside Peptidoglycan of Lactococcus lactis, 2017
Gentekaki, Eleni
Curtis, Bruce A.
Stairs, Courtney W.
Klimeš, Vladimír
Eliáš, Marek
Salas-Leiva, Dayana E.
Herman, Emily K.
Eme, Laura
Arias, Maria-CÉcilia
Henrissat, Bernard
Hilliou, Frédérique
Klute, Mary J.
Suga, Hiroshi
Malik, Shehre-Banoo
Pightling, Arthur W.
Kolisko, Martin
Rachubinski, Richard A.
Schlacht, Alexander
Soanes, Darren M.
Tsaousis, Anastasios D.
Archibald, John M.
Ball, Steven
Dacks, Joel B.
Clark, C. Graham
van der Giezen, Mark
Roger, Andrew J.
- Extreme genome diversity in the hyper-prevalent parasitic eukaryote Blastocystis, 2017
Quintana, Cristóbal
Silva, Gisella
Klahn, A. Hugo
Artigas, Vania
Fuentealba, Mauricio
Biot, Christophe
Halloum, Iman
Kremer, Laurent
Novoa, Néstor
Arancibia, Rodrigo
- New cyrhetrenyl and ferrocenyl sulfonamides: Synthesis, characterization, X-ray crystallography, theoretical study and anti- Mycobacterium tuberculosis activity, 2017
Despres, Clément
Byrne, Cillian
Qi, Haoling
Cantrelle, Francois-Xavier
Huvent, Isabelle
Chambraud, Béatrice
Baulieu, Etienne-Emile
Jacquot, Yves
Landrieu, Isabelle
Lippens, Guy
Nocca Smet, Caroline
- Identification of the Tau phosphorylation pattern that drives its aggregation, 2017
Simon, Clémence
Lion, Cedric
Huss, Brigitte
Blervacq, Anne-Sophie
Spriet, Corentin
Guerardel, Yann
Biot, Christophe
Hawkins, Simon
- BLISS: Shining a light on lignification in plants, 2017
Louis, Evelyne
Cantrelle, Francois-Xavier
Mesotten, Liesbet
Reekmans, Gunter
Bervoets, Liene
Vanhove, Karolien
Thomeer, Michiel
Lippens, Guy
Adriaensens, Peter
- Metabolic phenotyping of human plasma by 1 H-NMR at high and medium magnetic field strengths: a case study for lung cancer: High-field (900 MHz) versus medium-field (400 MHz) NMR metabolomics, 2017
Goulas, Estelle
Leclercq, Celine C.
De Waele, Isabelle
Rihouey, Christophe
Cenci, Ugo
Day, Arnaud
Blervacq, Anne-Sophie
Neutelings, Godfrey
Duponchel, Ludovic
Lerouge, Patrice
Hausman, Jean-François
Renaut, Jenny
Hawkins, Simon
- A Cell Wall Proteome and Targeted Cell Wall Analyses Provide Novel Information on Hemicellulose Metabolism in Flax, 2017
Noël, Maxence
Gilormini, Pierre-André
Cogez, Virginie
Yamakawa, Nao
Vicogne, Dorothee
Lion, Cédric
Biot, Christophe
Guerardel, Yann
Harduin Lepers, Anne
- Probing the CMP-Sialic Acid Donor Specificity of Two Human β-d-Galactoside Sialyltransferases (ST3Gal I and ST6Gal I) Selectively Acting on O- and N-Glycosylproteins, 2017
Touaibia, Mohamed
Krammer, Eva-Maria
Shiao, Tze
Yamakawa, Nao
Wang, Qingan
Glinschert, Anja
Papadopoulos, Alex
Mousavifar, Leila
Maes, Emmanuel
Oscarson, Stefan
Vergoten, Gerard
Lensink, Marc
Roy, René
Bouckaert, Julie
- Sites for Dynamic Protein-Carbohydrate Interactions of O- and C-Linked Mannosides on the E. coli FimH Adhesin, 2017
Concha, Camila
Quintana, Cristóbal
Klahn, A. Hugo
Artigas, Vania
Fuentealba, Mauricio
Biot, Christophe
Halloum, Iman
Kremer, Laurent
López, Rodrigo
Romanos, Javier
Huentupil, Yosselin
Arancibia, Rodrigo
- Organometallic tosyl hydrazones: Synthesis, characterization, crystal structures and in vitro evaluation for anti- Mycobacterium tuberculosis and antiproliferative activities, 2017
Alvarez Dorta, Dimitri
Chalopin, Thibaut
Sivignon, Adeline
De Ruyck, Jerome
Dumych, Tetiana
Bilyy, Rostyslav
Deniaud, David
Barnich, Nicolas
Bouckaert, Julie
Gouin, Sébastien G.
- Physiochemical Tuning of Potent Escherichia coli Anti-Adhesives by Microencapsulation and Methylene Homologation, 2017
Badillo, Aurelie
Receveur-Brechot, Véronique
Sarrazin, Stéphane
Cantrelle, Francois-Xavier
Delolme, Frédéric
Fogeron, Marie-Laure
Molle, Jennifer
Montserret, Roland
Bockmann, Anja
Bartenschlager, Ralf
Lohmann, Volker
Lippens, Guy
Ricard-Blum, Sylvie
Hanoulle, Xavier
Penin, François
- Overall Structural Model of NS5A Protein from Hepatitis C Virus and Modulation by Mutations Confering Resistance of Virus Replication to Cyclosporin A, 2017