Article dans une revue scientifique
Pabst, Martin
Fischl, Richard M.
Brecker, Lothar
Morelle, Willy
Fauland, Alexander
Köfeler, Harald
Altmann, Friedrich
Leonard, Renaud
- Rhamnogalacturonan II structure shows variation in the side chains monosaccharide composition and methylation status within and across different plant species, 2013
Cenci, Ugo
Ducatez, Mathieu
Tirtiaux, Catherine
Nirmal-Raj, Jennifer
Utsumi, Yoshinori
Kobayashi, Daiki
Sasaki, Satoshi
Suzuki, Eiji
Nakamura, Yasunori
Putaux, Jean-Luc
Roussel, Xavier
Durand-Terrasson, Amandine
Bhattacharya, Debashish
Edouart (vercoutter), Anne-Sophie
Maes, Emmanuel
Arias, Maria-CÉcilia
Palcic, Monica
Sim, Lyann
Ball, Steven
Colleoni, Christophe
- Convergent Evolution of Polysaccharide Debranching Defines a Common Mechanism for Starch Accumulation in Cyanobacteria and Plants, 2013
Sperandio, Brice
Fischer, Natalie
Joncquel, Marie
Rossez, Yannick
Roux, Pascal
Masselot, Catherine
Sansonetti, Philippe J.
- Virulent Shigella flexneri Affects Secretion, Expression, and Glycosylation of Gel-Forming Mucins in Mucus-Producing Cells, 2013
Pini, Francesco
Frage, Benjamin
Ferri, Lorenzo
De Nisco, Nicole J.
Mohapatra, Saswat S.
Taddei, Lucilla
Fioravanti, Antonella
Dewitte, Frederique
Galardini, Marco
Brilli, Matteo
Villeret, Vincent
Bazzicalupo, Marco
Mengoni, Alessio
Walker, Graham C.
Becker, Anke
Biondi, Emanuele G.
- The DivJ, CbrA and PleC system controls DivK phosphorylation and symbiosis in Sinorhizobium meliloti, 2013
Vinogradov, Evgeny
Valence, Florence
Maes, Emmanuel
Jebava, Iva
Chuat, Victoria
Lortal, Sylvie
Grard, Thierry
Guerardel, Yann
Sadovskaya, Irina
- Structural studies of the cell wall polysaccharides from three strains of Lactobacillus helveticus with different autolytic properties: DPC4571, BROI, and LH1, 2013
Tunçay, Hande
Findinier, Justin
Duchene, Thierry
Cogez, Virginie
Cousin, Charlotte
Peltier, Gilles
Ball, Steven
Dauvillee, David
- A Forward Genetic Approach in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as a Strategy for Exploring Starch Catabolism, 2013
Perez-Cervera, Yobana
Dehennaut, Vanessa
Aquino-Gil, Moyira Osny
Guedri, Katia
Solórzano Mata, Carlos Josué
Olivier-Van Stichelen, Stéphanie
Michalski, Jean-Claude
Foulquier, Francois
Lefebvre, Tony
- Insulin signaling controls the expression of O-GlcNAc transferase and its interaction with lipid microdomains, 2013
Ambruosi, Barbara
Accogli, Gianluca
Douet, Cécile
Canepa, Sylvie
Pascal, Géraldine
Monget, Philippe
Moros, Carla
Holmskov, Uffe
Mollenhauer, Jan
Masselot, Catherine
Vidal, Olivier
Desantis, Salvatore
Goudet, Ghylène
- Deleted in malignant brain tumor 1 is secreted in the oviduct and involved in the mechanism of fertilization in equine and porcine species, 2013
Marrocco, Jordan
Mairesse, Jérôme
Bucci, Domenico
Lionetto, Luana
Battaglia, Giuseppe
Consolazione, Michol
Ravasi, Laura
Simmaco, Maurizio
Morley-Fletcher, Sara
Maccari, Stefania
Nicoletti, Ferdinando
- Early Life Stress Causes Refractoriness to Haloperidol-Induced Catalepsy, 2013
Dubar, Faustine
Slomianny, Christian
Khalife, Jamal
Dive, Daniel
Kalamou, Hadidjatou
Guerardel, Yann
Grellier, Philippe
Biot, Christophe
- The ferroquine antimalarial conundrum: redox activation and reinvasion inhibition, 2013
Hottin, Audrey
Wright, Daniel W.
Steenackers, Agata
Delannoy, Philippe
Dubar, Faustine
Biot, Christophe
Davies, Gideon J.
Behr, Jean-Bernard
- α-L-fucosidase inhibition by pyrrolidine-ferrocene hybrids: rationalization of ligand-binding properties by structural studies, 2013
Rosnoblet, Claire
Legrand, Dominique
Demaegd, Didier
Hacine-Gherbi, Hêla
De Bettignies, Geoffroy
Bammens, Riet
Borrego, Cindy
Duvet, Sandrine
Morsomme, Pierre
Matthijs, Gert
Foulquier, Francois
- Impact of disease-causing mutations on TMEM165 subcellular localization, a recently identified protein involved in CDG-II, 2013
Brument, Sami
Sivignon, Adeline
Dumych, Tetiana
Moreau, Nicolas
Roos, Goedele
Guerardel, Yann
Chalopin, Thibaut
Deniaud, David
Bilyy, Rostyslav
Darfeuille-Michaud, Arlette
Bouckaert, Julie
Gouin, Sébastien G.
- Thiazolylaminomannosides As Potent Antiadhesives of Type 1 Piliated Escherichia coli Isolated from Crohn's Disease Patients, 2013
Vausselin, Thibaut
Calland, Noémie
Belouzard, Sandrine
Descamps, Véronique
Douam, Florian
Helle, François
François, Catherine
Lavillette, Dimitri
Duverlie, Gilles
Wahid, Ahmed
Fénéant, Lucie
Cocquerel, Laurence
Guerardel, Yann
Wychowski, Czeslaw
Biot, Christophe
Dubuisson, Jean
- The antimalarial ferroquine is an inhibitor of hepatitis C virus, 2013
Beck, Michael
Olsen, Klaus J.
Wraith, James E.
Zeman, Jiri
Michalski, Jean-Claude
Saftig, Paul
Fogh, Jens
Malm, Dag
- Natural history of alpha mannosidosis a longitudinal study, 2013
Buro, Christin
Oliveira, Katia C.
Lu, Zhigang
Leutner, Silke
Beckmann, Svenja
Dissous, Colette
Cailliau, Katia
Verjovski-Almeida, Sergio
Grevelding, Christoph G.
- Transcriptome Analyses of Inhibitor-treated Schistosome Females Provide Evidence for Cooperating Src-kinase and TGFβ Receptor Pathways Controlling Mitosis and Eggshell Formation, 2013
Bouckaert, Julie
Li, Zhaoli
Xavier, Catarina
Almant, Mehdi
Caveliers, Vicky
Lahoutte, Tony
Weeks, Stephen D.
Kovensky, José
Gouin, Sébastien G.
- Heptyl α-D-mannosides grafted on a β-cyclodextrin core to interfere with Escherichia coli adhesion: an in vivo multivalent effect, 2013
Wrzosek, Laura
Miquel, Sylvie
Noordine, Marie-Louise
Bouet, Stephan
Joncquel, Marie
Robert, Véronique
Philippe, Catherine
Bridonneau, Chantal
Cherbuy, Claire
Masselot, Catherine
Langella, Philippe
Thomas, Muriel
- Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii influence the production of mucus glycans and the development of goblet cells in the colonic epithelium of a gnotobiotic model rodent, 2013
Verger, Alexis
baert, jean-luc
Verreman, Kathye
Dewitte, Frederique
Ferreira, Elisabeth
Lens, Zoe
De Launoit, Yvan
Villeret, Vincent
Monte, Didier
- The Mediator complex subunit MED25 is targeted by the N-terminal transactivation domain of the PEA3 group members, 2013
Fioravanti, Antonella
Fumeaux, Coralie
Mohapatra, Saswat S.
Bompard, Coralie
Brilli, Matteo
Frandi, Antonio
Castric, Vincent
Villeret, Vincent
Viollier, Patrick H.
Biondi, Emanuele G.
- DNA binding of the cell cycle transcriptional regulator GcrA depends on N6-adenosine methylation in Caulobacter crescentus and other Alphaproteobacteria, 2013
Demaegd, Didier
Foulquier, Francois
Colinet, Anne-Sophie
Gremillon, Louis
Legrand, Dominique
Mariot, Pascal
Peiter, Edgar
Van Schaftingen, Emile
Matthijs, Gert
Morsomme, Pierre
- Newly characterized Golgi-localized family of proteins is involved in calcium and pH homeostasis in yeast and human cells, 2013
Collen, J.
Porcel, B.
Carre, W.
Ball, Steven
Chaparro, C.
Tonon, T.
Barbeyron, T.
Michel, G.
Noel, B.
Valentin, K.
Elias, M.
Artiguenave, F.
Arun, A.
Aury, J.-M.
Barbosa-Neto, J. F.
Bothwell, J. H.
Bouget, F.-Y.
Brillet, L.
Cabello-Hurtado, F.
Capella-Gutierrez, S.
Charrier, B.
Cladiere, L.
Cock, J. Mark
Coelho, S. M.
Colleoni, Christophe
Czjzek, M.
Da Silva, C.
Delage, L.
Denoeud, F.
Deschamps, Philippe
Dittami, S. M.
Gabaldon, T.
Gachon, C. M. M.
Groisillier, A.
Herve, C.
Jabbari, K.
Katinka, M.
Kloareg, B.
Kowalczyk, N.
Labadie, K.
Leblanc, C.
Lopez, P. J.
McLachlan, D. H.
Meslet-Cladiere, L.
Moustafa, Ahmed
Nehr, Z.
Nyvall Collen, P.
Panaud, O.
Partensky, F.
Poulain, J.
Rensing, S. A.
Rousvoal, S.
Samson, G.
Symeonidi, A.
Weissenbach, J.
Zambounis, A.
Wincker, P.
Boyen, C.
- Genome structure and metabolic features in the red seaweed Chondrus crispus shed light on evolution of the Archaeplastida, 2013
Nasca, C.
Xenos, D.
Barone, Y.
Caruso, A.
Scaccianoce, Sergio
Matrisciano, Francesco
Battaglia, Giuseppe
Mathe, A. A.
Pittaluga, Anna
Lionetto, Luana
Simmaco, Maurizio
Nicoletti, Ferdinando
- L-acetylcarnitine causes rapid antidepressant effects through the epigenetic induction of mGlu2 receptors, 2013
Ando, Kunie
Dourlen, Pierre
Sambo, Anne-Véronique
Bretteville, Alexis
Belarbi, Karim-Ali
Vingtdeux, Valérie
Eddarkaoui, Sabiha
Drobecq, Hervé
Ghestem, Antoine
Bégard, Séverine
Demey-Thomas, Emmanuelle
Melnyk, Patricia
Nocca Smet, Caroline
Lippens, Guy
Maurage, Claude-Alain
Caillet-Boudin, Marie-Laure
Verdier, Yann
Vinh, Joelle
Landrieu, Isabelle
Galas, Marie-Christine
Blum, David
Hamdane, Malika
Sergeant, Nicolas
Buee, Luc
- Tau pathology modulates Pin1 post-translational modifications and may be relevant as biomarker, 2013
Mairesse, Jérôme
Silletti, Viviana
Laloux, Charlotte
Zuena, Anna Rita
Giovine, Angela
Consolazione, Michol
Van Camp, Gilles
Malagodi, Marithe
Gaetani, Silvana
Cianci, Silvia
Catalani, Assia
Mennuni, Gioacchino
Mazzetta, Alessandro
van Reeth, Olivier
Gabriel, Cecilia
Mocaër, Elisabeth
Nicoletti, Ferdinando
Maccari, Stefania
- Chronic agomelatine treatment corrects the abnormalities in the circadian rhythm of motor activity and sleep/wake cycle induced by prenatal restraint stress in adult rats, 2013
Grimaud, Florent
Renaut, Jenny
Dumont, Estelle
Sergeant, Kjell
Lucau-Danila, Anca
Blervacq, Anne-Sophie
Sellier, Hélène
Bahrman, Nasser
Lejeune, Isabelle
Delbreil, Bruno
Goulas, Estelle
- Exploring chloroplastic changes related to chilling and freezing tolerance during cold acclimation of pea (Pisum sativum L.), 2013
bontemps-gallo, sébastien
Madec, Edwige
Dondeyne, Jacqueline
Delrue, Brigitte
Masselot, Catherine
Vidal, Olivier
Prouvost, Anne-France
Boussemart, Gilles
Bohin, Jean-Pierre
Lacroix, Jean-Marie
- Concentration of osmoregulated periplasmic glucans (OPGs) modulates the activation level of the RcsCD RcsB phosphorelay in the phytopathogen bacteria Dickeya dadantii: Relation OPG/Rcs phosphorelay in Dickeya dadantii, 2013
Delaune, Anthony
Cabin-Flaman, Armelle
Legent, Guillaume
Gibouin, David
Nocca Smet, Caroline
Lefebvre, Fabrice
Benecke, Arndt G.
Vasse, Marc
Ripoll, Camille
- 50nm-Scale Localization of Single Unmodified, Isotopically Enriched, Proteins in Cells, 2013
Grimaud, Florent
Lancelon-Pin, Christine
Rolland-Sabaté, Agnès
Roussel, Xavier
Laguerre, Sandrine
Viksø-Nielsen, Anders
Putaux, Jean-Luc
Guilois, Sophie
Buléon, Alain
D'hulst, Christophe
Potocki-Véronèse, Gabrielle
- In vitro synthesis of hyperbranched α-glucans using a biomimetic enzymatic toolbox, 2013
Legrand, Arnaud J.
Choul-Li, Souhaila
Spriet, Corentin
Idziorek, Thierry
Vicogne, Dorothee
Drobecq, Herve
Dantzer, Françoise
Villeret, Vincent
Aumercier, Marc
- The level of Ets-1 protein is regulated by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) in cancer cells to prevent DNA damage, 2013
Bertin, Yolande
Chaucheyras-Durand, Frédérique
Masselot, Catherine
Durand, Alexandra
de la Foye, Anne
Harel, Josée
Cohen, Paul S.
Conway, Tyrell
Forano, Evelyne
Martin, Christine
- Carbohydrate utilization by enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 in bovine intestinal content, 2013
Chaze, Thibault
Slomianny, Marie-Christine
Milliat, Fabien
Tarlet, Georges
Lefebvre, Tony
Gourmelon, Patrick
Bey, Eric
Benderitter, Marc
Michalski, Jean-Claude
Guipaud, Olivier
- Alteration of the serum N-glycome of mice locally exposed to high doses of ionizing radiation, 2013
Beaujois, Rémy
Riquet, Franck
Cailliau, Katia
Browaeys-Poly, Edith
Russo, Christophe
Blossey, Ralf
Vicogne, Dorothee
Marin, Matthieu
Lescuyer, Arlette
Vilain, Jean-Pierre
Bodart, Jean-Francois
- Ultrasensitive MAPK/Erk activation in absence of protein synthesis in Xenopus oocytes, 2013
Yang, Yong
Bhatti, Alexandra
Ke, Danxia
Gonzalez-Juarrero, Mercedes
Lenaerts, Anne
Kremer, Laurent
Guerardel, Yann
Zhang, Peijun
Ojha, Anil K.
- Exposure to a cutinase-like serine esterase triggers rapid lysis of multiple mycobacterial species, 2013
Roussel, Xavier
Lancelon-Pin, Christine
Viksø-Nielsen, Anders
Rolland-Sabaté, Agnès
Grimaud, Florent
Potocki-Véronèse, Gabrielle
Buléon, Alain
Putaux, Jean-Luc
D'hulst, Christophe
- Characterization of substrate and product specificity of the purified recombinant glycogen branching enzyme of Rhodothermus obamensis, 2013
Rymen, Daisy
Péanne, Romain
Millón, María B.
Race, Valérie
Sturiale, Luisa
Garozzo, Domenico
Mills, Philippa
Clayton, Peter
Asteggiano, Carla G.
Quelhas, Dulce
Cansu, Ali
Martins, Esmeralda
Nassogne, Marie-Cécile
Gonçalves-Rocha, Miguel
Topaloglu, Haluk
Jaeken, Jaak
Foulquier, Francois
Matthijs, Gert
- MAN1B1 deficiency: an unexpected CDG-II, 2013
Fréville, Aline
Cailliau, Katia
Pierrot, Christine
Tellier, Géraldine
Kalamou, Hadidjatou
Lafitte, Sophia
Martoriati, Alain
Pierce, Raymond
Bodart, Jean-Francois
Khalife, Jamal
- Plasmodium falciparum encodes a conserved active inhibitor-2 for Protein Phosphatase type 1: perspectives for novel anti-plasmodial therapy, 2013