Article dans une revue scientifique
Houdou, Marine
Lebredonchel, Elodie
Garat, Anne
Duvet, Sandrine
Legrand, Dominique
Decool, Valérie
Klein, André
Ouzzine, Mohamed
Gasnier, Bruno
Potelle, Sven
Foulquier, Francois
- Involvement of thapsigargin– and cyclopiazonic acid–sensitive pumps in the rescue of TMEM165‐associated glycosylation defects by Mn 2+, 2018
Bahmani, Baharak
Uehara, Mayuko
Jiang, Liwei
Ordikhani, Farideh
Banouni, Naima
Ichimura, Takaharu
Solhjou, Zhabiz
Furtmüller, Georg J.
Brandacher, Gerald
Alvarez, David
von Andrian, Ulrich H.
Uchimura, Kenji
Xu, Qiaobing
Vohra, Ishaan
Yilmam, Osman A.
Haik, Yousef
Azzi, Jamil
Kasinath, Vivek
Bromberg, Jonathan S.
McGrath, Martina M.
Abdi, Reza
- Targeted delivery of immune therapeutics to lymph nodes prolongs cardiac allograft survival, 2018
Martinho, Marlène
Allegro, Diane
Huvent, Isabelle
Chabaud, Charlotte
Etienne, Emilien
Kovacic, Hervé
Guigliarelli, Bruno
Peyrot, Vincent
Landrieu, Isabelle
Belle, Valérie
Barbier, Pascale
- Two Tau binding sites on tubulin revealed by thiol-disulfide exchanges, 2018
Ashikov, Angel
Abu Bakar, Nurulamin
Wen, Xiao-Yan
Niemeijer, Marco
Rodrigues Pinto Osorio, Glentino
Brand-Arzamendi, Koroboshka
Hasadsri, Linda
Hansikova, Hana
Raymond, Kimiyo
Vicogne, Dorothee
Ondruskova, Nina
Simon, Marleen E H
Pfundt, Rolph
Timal, Sharita
Beumers, Roel
Biot, Christophe
Smeets, Roel
Kersten, Marjan
Huijben, Karin
Linders, Peter T A
van den Bogaart, Geert
van Hijum, Sacha A F T
Rodenburg, Richard
van den Heuvel, Lambertus P.
van Spronsen, Francjan
Honzik, Tomas
Foulquier, Francois
van Scherpenzeel, Monique
Lefeber, Dirk J.
Mirjam, Wamelink
Han, Brunner
Helen, Mundy
Michelakakis, Helen
van Hasselt, Peter M.
Jiddeke, van de Kamp
Diego, Martinelli
Lars, Morkrid
Holmefjord, Katja S. Brocke
Hertecant, Jozef
Majid, Alfadhel
Kevin, Carpenter
Johann, te Water Naude
- Integrating glycomics and genomics uncovers SLC10A7 as essential factor for bone mineralization by regulating post-Golgi protein transport and glycosylation, 2018
Groux, Sophie
Schulz, Celine
Cogez, Virginie
Noël, Maxence
Portier, Lucie
Vicogne, Dorothee
Solorzano, Carlos
Dall'Olio, Fabio
Steenackers, Agata
Mortuaire, marlène
Pisfil, Mariano Gonzalez
Henry, Mélanie
Foulquier, Francois
Heliot, Laurent
Harduin-Lepers, Anne
Steenackers, Agata
- The extended cytoplasmic tail of the human B4GALNT2 is critical for its Golgi targeting and post-Golgi sorting, 2018
Aquino-Gil, Moyira Osny
Kupferschmid, Mattis
Shams-Eldin, Hosam
Schmidt, Jörg
Yamakawa, Nao
Mortuaire, marlène
Krzewinski, Frederic
Hardivillé, Stéphan
Zenteno, Edgar
Rolando, Christian
Bray, Fabrice
Pérez Campos, Eduardo
Dubremetz, Jean-François
Perez-Cervera, Yobana
Schwarz, Ralph T.
Lefebvre, Tony
Schwarz, Ralph T.
- Apart From Rhoptries, Identification of Toxoplasma gondii's O-GlcNAcylated Proteins Reinforces the Universality of the O-GlcNAcome, 2018
Duvet, Sandrine
Mouajjah, Dounia
Péanne, Romain
Matthijs, Gert
Raymond, Kimiyo
Jaeken, Jaak
Morava, Eva
Foulquier, Francois
- Use of Endoglycosidase H as a diagnostic tool for MAN1B1-CDG patients, 2018
Vandromme, Camille
Spriet, Corentin
Dauvillee, David
Courseaux, Adeline
Putaux, Jean-Luc
Wychowski, Adeline
Krzewinski, Frederic
Facon, Maud
D'hulst, Christophe
Wattebled, Fabrice
- PII1: a protein involved in starch initiation that determines granule number and size in Arabidopsis chloroplast, 2018
Fernandez, Neïké
Wrzosek, Laura
Radziwill-Bienkowska, Joanna M.
Ringot-Destrez, Bélinda
Duviau, Marie-Pierre
Noordine, Marie-Louise
Laroute, Valérie
Robert, Véronique
Cherbuy, Claire
Daveran-Mingot, Marie-Line
Cocaign-Bousquet, Muriel
Leonard, Renaud
Masselot, Catherine
Rul, Françoise
Ogier-Denis, Eric
Thomas, Muriel
Mercier-Bonin, Muriel
- Characterization of Mucus-Related Properties of Streptococcus thermophilus: From Adhesion to Induction, 2018
Berthe, Audrey
Zaffino, Marie
Muller, Claire
Foulquier, Francois
Houdou, Marine
Schulz, Celine
Bost, Frédéric
De Fay, Elia
Mazerbourg, Sabine
Flament, Stéphane
- Protein N-glycosylation alteration and glycolysis inhibition both contribute to the antiproliferative action of 2-deoxyglucose in breast cancer cells, 2018
Kowalewicz-Kulbat, Magdalena
Szpakowski, Piotr
Locht, Camille
Biet, Franck
Kaplonek, Paulina
Krawczyk, Krzysztof T.
Pestel, Joël
Rudnicka, Wiesława
- Tuberculin skin test reaction is related to memory, but not naive CD4 + T cell responses to mycobacterial stimuli in BCG-vaccinated young adults, 2018
Delos, Maxime
Foulquier, Francois
Hellec, Charles
Vicogne, Dorothee
Fifre, Alexandre
Carpentier, Mathieu
Papy-Garcia, Dulce
Allain, Fabrice
Denys, Agnes
- Heparan sulfate 3- O -sulfotransferase 2 (HS3ST2) displays an unexpected subcellular localization in the plasma membrane, 2018
Van Camp, Gilles
Cigalotti, Jenny
Bouwalerh, Hammou
Mairesse, Jérôme
Gatta, Eleonora
Palanza, Paola
Maccari, Stefania
Morley-Fletcher, Sara
- Consequences of a double hit of stress during the perinatal period and midlife in female rats: Mismatch or cumulative effect?, 2018
Talbot, Pauline
Radziwill-Bienkowska, Joanna M.
Kamphuis, Jasper B. J.
Steenkeste, Karine
Bettini, Sarah
Robert, Véronique
Noordine, Marie-Louise
Mayeur, Camille
Gaultier, Eric
Langella, Philippe
Masselot, Catherine
Houdeau, Eric
Thomas, Muriel
Mercier-Bonin, Muriel
- Food-grade TiO2 is trapped by intestinal mucus in vitro but does not impair mucin O-glycosylation and short-chain fatty acid synthesis in vivo: implications for gut barrier protection, 2018
Morley-Fletcher, Sara
Zuena, A. R.
Mairesse, Jérôme
Gatta, E.
Van Camp, Gilles
Bouwalerh, Hammou
Riozzi, Barbara
Battaglia, Giuseppe
Pittaluga, Anna
Olivero, Guendalina
Mocaer, E.
Bretin, S.
Nicoletti, F.
Maccari, Stefania
- The reduction in glutamate release is predictive of cognitive and emotional alterations that are corrected by the positive modulator of AMPA receptors S 47445 in perinatal stressed rats, 2018
Wallin, Cecilia
Hiruma, Yoshitaka
Wärmländer, Sebastian K. T. S.
Huvent, Isabelle
Jarvet, Jüri
Abrahams, Jan Pieter
Gräslund, Astrid
Lippens, Guy
Luo, Jinghui
- The Neuronal Tau Protein Blocks in Vitro Fibrillation of the Amyloid-β (Aβ) Peptide at the Oligomeric Stage, 2018
Jijie, Roxana
Kahlouche, Karima
Barras, Alexandre
Yamakawa, Nao
Bouckaert, Julie
Gharbi, Tijani
Szunerits, Sabine
Boukherroub, Rabah
- Reduced graphene oxide/polyethylenimine based immunosensor for the selective and sensitive electrochemical detection of uropathogenic Escherichia coli, 2018
Gatta, Eleonora
Mairesse, Jérôme
Deruyter, Lucie
Marrocco, Jordan
Van Camp, Gilles
Bouwalerh, Hammou
Lo Guidice, Jean-Marc
Nicoletti, Ferdinando
Maccari, Stefania
- Reduced maternal behavior caused by gestational stress is predictive of life span changes in risk-taking behavior and gene expression due to altering of the stress/anti-stress balance, 2018
Loridant, Severine
Mouahid, Gabriel
Cornu, Marjorie
Allienne, Jean-Francois
Leroy, Jordan
Maurage, Claude-Alain
Frealle, Émilie
Assaker, Richard
Zairi, Fahed
Dutoit, Emmanuel
Mone, Helene
Sendid, Boualem
- Case report: hemianopia: from suspected glioblastoma to the diagnosis of ectopic schistosomiasis haematobium infection in a traveler returning from the republic of the congo, 2018
Dewald, Justine Hélène
Cavdarli, Sumeyye
Steenackers, Agata
Delannoy, Clément Philippe
mortuaire, marlène
Spriet, Corentin
Noël, Maxence
Groux, Sophie
Delannoy, Philippe
- TNF differentially regulates ganglioside biosynthesis and expression in breast cancer cell lines, 2018
Dumych, Tetiana
Yamakawa, Nao
Sivignon, Adeline
Garénaux, Estelle
Robakiewicz, Stefania
Coddeville, Bernadette
Bongiovanni, Antonino
Bray, Fabrice
Barnich, Nicolas
Szunerits, Sabine
Slomianny, Christian
Herrmann, Martin
Gouin, Sébastien G.
Lutsyk, Alexander D.
Munoz, Luis E.
Lafont, Frank
Rolando, Christian
Bilyy, Rostyslav
Bouckaert, Julie
- Oligomannose-Rich Membranes of Dying Intestinal Epithelial Cells Promote Host Colonization by Adherent-Invasive E. coli, 2018
Chappaz, Alban
Lai, Jonathan
De Oliveira Vigier, Karine
Morvan, Didier
Wischert, Raphael
Corbet, Matthieu
Doumert, Bertrand
Trivelli, Xavier
Liebens, Armin
Jérôme, François
- Selective Conversion of Concentrated Feeds of Furfuryl Alcohol to Alkyl Levulinates Catalyzed by Metal Triflates, 2018
Dulary, Eudoxie
Yu, Shin-Yi
Houdou, Marine
De Bettignies, Geoffroy
Decool, Valerie
Potelle, Sven
Duvet, Sandrine
Krzewinski, Marie-Ange
Garat, Anne
Matthijs, Gert
Guerardel, Yann
Foulquier, Francois
- Investigating the function of Gdt1p in yeast Golgi glycosylation, 2018