Article dans une revue scientifique
Ainsworth, Stuart
Sadovskaya, Irina
Vinogradov, Evgeny
Courtin, Pascal
Guerardel, Yann
Mahony, Jennifer
Grard, Thierry
Cambillau, C.
Chapot-Chartier, Marie-Pierre
van Sinderen, Douwe
- Differences in Lactococcal Cell Wall Polysaccharide Structure Are Major Determining Factors in Bacteriophage Sensitivity, 2014
Duplomb, Laurence
Duvet, Sandrine
Picot, Damien
Jego, Gaëtan
El Chehadeh-Djebbar, Salima
Marle, Nathalie
Gigot, Nadège
Aral, Bernard
Carmignac, Virginie
Thevenon, Julien
Lopez, Estelle
Rivière, Jean-Baptiste
Klein, Andre
Philippe, Christophe
Droin, Nathalie
Blair, Edward
Girodon, François
Donadieu, Jean
Bellanné-Chantelot, Christine
Delva, Laurent
Michalski, Jean-Claude
Solary, Eric
Faivre, Laurence
Foulquier, Francois
Thauvin-Robinet, Christel
- Cohen syndrome is associated with major glycosylation defects, 2014
Vilchèze, Catherine
Molle, Virginie
Carrère-Kremer, Séverine
Leiba, Jade
Mourey, Lionel
Shenai, Shubhada
Baronian, Grégory
Tufariello, Joann
Hartman, Travis
Veyron-Churlet, Romain
Trivelli, Xavier
Tiwari, Sangeeta
Weinrick, Brian
Alland, David
Guerardel, Yann
Jacobs, William R.
Kremer, Laurent
- Phosphorylation of KasB regulates virulence and acid-fastness in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 2014
Berrabah, Wahiba
Aumercier, Pierrette
Gheeraert, Celine
Dehondt, Helene
Bouchaert, Emmanuel
Alexandre, Jérémy
Ploton, Maheul
Mazuy, Claire
Houde, Sandrine
Muhr-Tailleux, Anne
Eeckhoute, Jerome
Lefebvre, Tony
Staels, Bart
Lefebvre, Philippe
- Glucose sensing O-GlcNAcylation pathway regulates the nuclear bile acid receptor farnesoid X receptor (FXR), 2014
Paciotti, Silvia
Persichetti, Emanuele
Klein, Katharina
Tasegian, Anna
Duvet, Sandrine
Hartmann, Dieter
Gieselmann, Volkmar
Beccari, Tommaso
- Accumulation of free oligosaccharides and tissue damage in cytosolic α-mannosidase (Man2c1)-deficient mice, 2014
Lensink, Marc
Moal, Iain H.
Bates, Paul A.
Kastritis, Panagiotis L.
Melquiond, Adrien S. J.
Karaca, Ezgi
Schmitz, Christophe
van Dijk, Marc
Bonvin, Alexandre M. J. J.
Eisenstein, Miriam
Jiménez-García, Brian
Grosdidier, Solène
Solernou, Albert
Pérez-Cano, Laura
Pallara, Chiara
Fernández-Recio, Juan
Xu, Jianqing
Muthu, Pravin
Praneeth Kilambi, Krishna
Gray, Jeffrey J.
Grudinin, Sergei
Derevyanko, Georgy
Mitchell, Julie C.
Wieting, John
Kanamori, Eiji
Tsuchiya, Yuko
Murakami, Yoichi
Sarmiento, Joy
Standley, Daron M.
Shirota, Matsuyuki
Kinoshita, Kengo
Nakamura, Haruki
Chavent, Matthieu
Ritchie, David W.
Park, Hahnbeom
Ko, Junsu
Lee, Hasup
Seok, Chaok
Shen, Yang
Kozakov, Dima
Vajda, Sandor
Kundrotas, Petras J.
Vakser, Ilya A.
Pierce, Brian G.
Hwang, Howook
Vreven, Thom
Weng, Zhiping
Buch, Idit
Farkash, Efrat
Wolfson, Haim J.
Zacharias, Martin
Qin, Sanbo
Zhou, Huan-Xiang
Huang, Shen-You
Zou, Xiaoqin
Wojdyla, Justyna A.
Kleanthous, Colin
Wodak, Shoshana J.
- Blind prediction of interfacial water positions in CAPRI, 2014
Delporte, Cédric
Boudjeltia, Karim Zouaoui
Noyon, Caroline
Furtmüller, Paul G.
Nuyens, Vincent
Slomianny, Marie-Christine
Madhoun, Philippe
Desmet, Jean-Marc
Raynal, Pierre
Dufour, Damien
Koyani, Chintan N.
Reyé, Florence
Rousseau, Alexandre
Vanhaeverbeek, Michel
Ducobu, Jean
Michalski, Jean-Claude
Nève, Jean
Vanhamme, Luc
Obinger, Christian
Malle, Ernst
Van Antwerpen, Pierre
- Impact of myeloperoxidase-LDL interactions on enzyme activity and subsequent posttranslational oxidative modifications of apoB-100, 2014
Giustiniani, Julien
Chambraud, Béatrice
Sardin, Elodie
Dounane, Omar
Guillemeau, Kevin
Nakatani, Hiroko
Paquet, Dominik
Kamah, Amina
Landrieu, Isabelle
Lippens, Guy
Baulieu, Etienne-Emile
Tawk, Marcel
- Immunophilin FKBP52 induces Tau-P301L filamentous assembly in vitro and modulates its activity in a model of tauopathy, 2014
Huvent, Isabelle
Kamah, Amina
Cantrelle, Francois-Xavier
Barois, Nicolas
Slomianny, Christian
Nocca Smet, Caroline
Landrieu, Isabelle
Lippens, Guy
- A functional fragment of Tau forms fibers without the need for an intermolecular cysteine bridge, 2014
Gerland, Béatrice
Goudot, Alice
Ligeour, Caroline
Pourceau, Gwladys
Meyer, Albert
Vidal, Sébastien
Géhin, Thomas
Vidal, Olivier
Souteyrand, Eliane
Vasseur, Jean-Jacques
Chevolot, Yann
Morvan, François
- Structure Binding Relationship of Galactosylated Glycoclusters toward Pseudomonas aeruginosa Lectin LecA Using a DNA-Based Carbohydrate Microarray, 2014
Marrocco, Jordan
Reynaert, M.-L.
Gatta, E.
Gabriel, Cecilia
Mocaer, E.
Di Prisco, S.
Merega, E.
Pittaluga, Anna
Nicoletti, F.
Maccari, Stefania
Mairesse, Jérôme
- The Effects of Antidepressant Treatment in Prenatally Stressed Rats Support the Glutamatergic Hypothesis of Stress-Related Disorders, 2014
Rolland-Sabaté, Agnès
Guilois, Sophie
Grimaud, Florent
Lancelon-Pin, Christine
Roussel, Xavier
Laguerre, Sandrine
Viksø-Nielsen, Anders
Putaux, Jean-Luc
D'hulst, Christophe
Potocki-Véronèse, Gabrielle
Buléon, Alain
- Characterization of hyperbranched glycopolymers produced in vitro using enzymes, 2014
Raj, Raghu
Biot, Christophe
Carrère-Kremer, Séverine
Kremer, Laurent
Guerardel, Yann
Gut, Jiri
Rosenthal, Philip J
Kumar, Vipan
- 4-Aminoquinoline-β-Lactam Conjugates: Synthesis, Antimalarial, and Antitubercular Evaluation, 2014
Ballot, Caroline
Martoriati, Alain
Jendoubi, Manel
Buche, Sébastien
Formstecher, Pierre
Mortier, Laurent
Kluza, Jerome
Marchetti, Philippe
- Another Facet to the Anticancer Response to Lamellarin D: Induction of Cellular Senescence through Inhibition of Topoisomerase I and Intracellular Ros Production, 2014
Alibaud, Laeticia
Pawelczyk, Jakub
Gannoun-Zaki, Laila
Singh, Vipul K.
Rombouts, Yoann
Drancourt, Michel
Dziadek, Jaroslaw
Guerardel, Yann
Kremer, Laurent
- Increased phagocytosis of Mycobacterium marinum mutants defective in lipooligosaccharide production: a structure-activity relationship study, 2014
Wang, Shuai
Shen, David L.
Lafont, Dominique
Edouart (vercoutter), Anne-Sophie
mortuaire, marlène
Shi, Yun
Maniti, Ofelia
Girard-Egrot, Agnès
Lefebvre, Tony
Pinto, B. Mario
Vocadlo, David
Vidal, Sébastien
- Design of glycosyltransferase inhibitors targeting human O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT), 2014
Colomb, Florent
Vidal, Olivier
Bobowski-Gerard, Marie
Krzewinski, Marie-Ange
Harduin Lepers, Anne
Mensier, Eric
Jaillard, Sophie
Lafitte, Jean-Jacques
Delannoy, Philippe
Groux, Sophie
- TNF induces the expression of the sialyltransferase ST3Gal IV in human bronchial mucosa via MSK1/2 protein kinases and increases FliD/sialyl-Lewis x -mediated adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 2014
Turcheniuk, Kostiantyn
Khanal, Manakamana
Motorina, Anastasiia
Subramanian, Palaniappan
Barras, Alexandre
Zaitsev, Vladimir
Kuncser, Victor
Leca, Aurel
Martoriati, Alain
Cailliau, Katia
Bodart, Jean-Francois
Boukherroub, Rabah
Szunerits, Sabine
- Insulin loaded iron magnetic nanoparticle–graphene oxide composites: synthesis, characterization and application for in vivo delivery of insulin, 2014
Borghgraef, Peter
Menuet, Clément
Theunis, Clara
Louis, Justin V.
Devijver, Herman
Maurin, Hervé
Nocca Smet, Caroline
Lippens, Guy
Hilaire, Gerard
Gijsen, Harrie
Moechars, Dieder
Van Leuven, Fred
- Increasing Brain Protein O-GlcNAc-ylation Mitigates Breathing Defects and Mortality of Tau.P301L Mice, 2013
Raj, Raghu
Biot, Christophe
Carrère-Kremer, Séverine
Kremer, Laurent
Guerardel, Yann
Gut, Jiri
Rosenthal, Philip J
Forge, Delphine
Kumar, Vipan
- 7-chloroquinoline-isatin conjugates: Antimalarial, antitubercular and cytotoxic evaluation, 2013
Lin, Qiaohui
Facon, Maud
Putaux, Jean-Luc
Dinges, Jason R.
Wattebled, Fabrice
D'hulst, Christophe
Hennen-Bierwagen, Tracie A.
Myers, Alan M.
- Function of isoamylase-type starch debranching enzymes ISA1 and ISA2 in the Zea mays leaf, 2013
Roblin, Pierre
Lebrun, Pierre
Rucktooa, Prakash
Dewitte, Frederique
Lens, Zoe
Receveur-Brechot, Véronique
Raussens, Vincent
Villeret, Vincent
Bompard, Coralie
- The structural organization of the N-terminus domain of SopB, a virulence factor of Salmonella, depends on the nature of its protein partners, 2013
Bhattacharya, Debashish
Price, Dana C.
Chan, Cheong Xin
Qiu, Huan
Rose, Nicholas
Ball, Steven
Weber, Andreas P.M.
Arias, Maria-CÉcilia
Henrissat, Bernard
Coutinho, Pedro M.
Krishnan, Anagha
Zäuner, Simone
Morath, Shannon
Hilliou, Frédérique
Egizi, Andrea
Perrineau, Marie-Mathilde
Yoon, Hwan Su
- Genome of the red alga Porphyridium purpureum, 2013
Höfer, René
Dong, Lemeng
André, François
Ginglinger, Jean-François
Lugan, Raphael
Gavira, Carole
Grec, Sebastien
Lang, Gerhard
Memelink, Johan
Van der Krol, Sander
Bouwmeester, Harro
Werck-Reichhart, Danièle
- Geraniol hydroxylase and hydroxygeraniol oxidase activities of the CYP76 family of cytochrome P450 enzymes and potential for engineering the early steps of the (seco)iridoid pathway, 2013
Facon, Maud
Lin, Qiaohui
Azzaz, Abdelhamid M.
Hennen-Bierwagen, Tracie A.
Myers, Alan M.
Putaux, Jean-Luc
Roussel, Xavier
D'hulst, Christophe
Wattebled, Fabrice
- Distinct functional properties of isoamylase-type starch debranching enzymes in monocot and dicot leaves, 2013
Kumar, Kewal
Carrère-Kremer, Séverine
Kremer, Laurent
Guerardel, Yann
Biot, Christophe
Kumar, Vipan
- 1H -1,2,3-Triazole-Tethered Isatin–Ferrocene and Isatin–Ferrocenylchalcone Conjugates: Synthesis and in Vitro Antitubercular Evaluation, 2013
Chantreau, Maxime
Grec, Sebastien
Gutierrez, Laurent
Dalmais, Marion
Pineau, Christophe
Demailly, Hervé
Paysant-Leroux, Christine
Tavernier, Reynald
Trouvé, Jean-Paul
Chatterjee, Manash
Guillot, Xavier
Brunaud, Véronique
Chabbert, Brigitte
Van Wuytswinkel, Olivier
Bendahmane, Abdelhafid
Thomasset, Brigitte
Hawkins, Simon
- PT-Flax (phenotyping and TILLinG of flax): development of a flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) mutant population and TILLinG platform for forward and reverse genetics, 2013
Martinez, Pierre
Vergoten, Gerard
Colomb, Florent
Bobowski-Gerard, Marie
Steenackers, Agata
Carpentier, Mathieu
Allain, Fabrice
Delannoy, Philippe
Julien, Sylvain
- Over-sulfated glycosaminoglycans are alternative selectin ligands: insights into molecular interactions and possible role in breast cancer metastasis, 2013